Tips and Tricks, Video
Eye contact is critical in person and on video. It helps us connect. But it’s not always easy on Zoom, Skype and live streams, or even recorded videos. Here are some tips and tricks and insights to make it much easier.
Tips and Tricks, Video
Sometimes even adding your own lighting won’t fix a bad webcam setup and there’s a hidden way you can look much better. Today’s video on my YouTube channel shows you how.
Tips and Tricks
When most people get going on a Zoom call, they use default settings and whatever camera and microphone are available. Unfortunately most of the microphones built into our laptops, smartphones, or cameras, all have a distant, echoey sound to them. In my latest video, I cover a way to fix your audio by adding a simple, incredibly versatile mic and it will only cost around $30 or $40 bucks!
Tips and Tricks
A huge percentage of the global population is having their very first experiences being on camera. It’s not good. And we know it. A week and a half ago I did a little tips video for my YouTube channel and it EXPLODED when USA Today ran a weekend feature story about me and my video.